Many of you have been asking me to share more details about the dates and, if possible, to share some photos. Hope you're happy. Here he is, my blind date.
Many things were wrong with this date, starting with him picking me up and not even getting out of the car to meet me. Instead, he put down the window and said, "Hop in" to the girl (me) standing in 4-inch heels and a black tie dress. Classy. Some may think this is petty, but it's not. Besides, his lack of manners only gets worse.
Once inside the
Auto Show , he continued to walk about 15 feet in front of me, never looking back. He did; however, find the champagne right away (the one positive) and handed me one, but only after he began chugging his own. Again, classy. He was on his phone a lot trying to meet up with some of his friends, which I looked forward to talking to since he didn't have anything interesting to say. (I did plan ahead and had a backup plan in place – my friends,
Shannon and
Perry, were at the event and on standby to rescue me). I was feeling a 911 situation coming on as this date was not getting any better. At one point, I stepped away to take a picture of a
beautiful, chocolate brown Bentley and when I turned back around, he was gone. Lucky for me (read: sarcasm), I found him, amongst a huddle of his friends. You will probably need to read this next part several times because you will not believe what he was doing when I finally found him. Like a 14-year-old looking at his first
Playboy he was showing off to his friends with a porno movie on his phone.
Again, class act.
Am I serious? Yes.
My date was looking at porn on his phone, in public, on a date!
What happened next? I went to the champagne table.
Then, I executed my emergency plan and met up with
Shannon and
Perry. Never saw porno man (my date) again. Left him at the Auto Show.