Who says that to the girl they are dating? And, what am I supposed to do with that piece of information?
I'm a girl.
I love Valentine's Day! Well, I say that now when there is the potential of a V-day date. Hmmmmm....let's see what I said about v-day earlier this year.
Oh, I remember now. It was when I had a stalker from the auto show sending me texts of love. Gross.
Back to the current situation...
The red head mentions that he thinks Valentine's Day is stupid and that he doesn't celebrate. We're in the car so I turn up the radio. I need to think through my response. Guess I should forget about Sweetest Day later this month. Pretty sure, he didn't grow up with a mom that celebrates everything. We aren't Irish, but I get a present every St. Patrick's Day!
Fast forward to later this same day...
He can't find his keys so we're basically turning his place upside down looking for them. I enter the "disaster area." A non-functional office that is really the dumping ground for everything! It is in this very room that I find...
Seriously. You know those dumb books that say things like, "Good for one night of snuggling" or, "Good for a game of strip poker?" They are super cheesy and just wrong, but there they sit. Untouched. Collecting dust, unredeemed. Good thing the have no expiration dates!
Then, I am reminded of another time that I found "love coupons" in my boyfriend's house. Do guys hang onto to these "gifts"? What does he think that he is going to redeem one with me? "Hey Lisa, I have a coupon for a night of passion, what do you think?"
Needless to say, I took 'em, put 'em in my purse. It doesn't appear that any have been used, thank God or I'd probably puke.
Just waiting for the right time to redeem one? Maybe Valentine's Day?
Well, it's a good thing that you celebrate Valentine's Day with your friends then. I mean who else is going to buy you cool presents if your b-friend doesn't?! But Valentine's Day is still months away. He needs to pass the Xmas present test first!
8:38 AM
Are you kidding? I've still got notes and cards that girls gave me in high school. I might need to cash them in when I'm 80 or so.
1:42 PM
I have never purchased, let alone gave out a "love coupon". I also threw away every thing ever written to me by anyone. Maybe that's just my anti-packrat mentality, but I don't think I'll ever need the sentiment again. I hope he comes through at Sweetest Day, whenever that is...(bs hallmark holiday)
11:08 PM
My husband of eight plus years doesn't believe in Valentine's Day, that is he didn't until I received the most amazing gift on Valentine's Day 2004 - our daughter! Now he has no choice but to recognize the holiday. My girls and I are now showered with flowers each Valentine's Day!
12:50 PM
After being married for three years, I received a gift of love coupons from... my parents! It was part of a sensous christmas package that was intended to help procure some grand-kids. I didn't have sex for a month!
12:31 PM
Hey Lisa - is this your last post till Valentines? When does the blog become about your lover?
8:49 PM
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