
The biggest bug in America (see photo - I had to show it because it's so scary!) decided to move into my apartment. Not a crunchy cockroach. A many-legged creepy crawler actually. And, not somewhere where I could stomp on it and be done with it either. The creepy crawler was in my bedroom above my bed on the ceiling, near the ceiling fan, nearly 12 feet feet from the ground.
There are two problems with this situation.
1. There is absolutely no way I'm going to bed while that thing is on the ceiling.
2. Even if I were to grin and bear it, I can't turn on the ceiling fan because it would fling leggy onto my bed.
It's summer, I need the fan on. It's nearly midnight, I need to go to bed.
So, I called the red head, it wasn't that late and he only lives 5 blocks away so it should have been an easy, "Sure, I'll come over and kill the bug!"
He said, "No Lisa, it's just a bug, kill it and go to bed!" So, I hung up on him and went to sleep on the couch. I woke up every hour from either a "concerned call" from him or the nightmare of thinking that creepy crawler was coming to get me.
I'll forgive him, but the next time he's "sick" -- boys are so dramatic when they are sick -- I will tell him to suck it up and get some soup.
Girls, am I right -- boys are the biggest babies when they are sick?