I have a second date...

...but not with the same guy as last week! Date #2 from my blogging friends is tonight. The date from last week was fun, but not a love connection. One of my better set-ups I must admit and Karen did get a prize for making the connection.
Tonight's date is one that has been in the works for a few months. I don't know much about him except that he'll be meeting me for drinks after work. I do know that he's pretty funny over email, which meets at least one "must have" -- he has a good sense of humor.
Come back soon to find out whom the next prize winners are!
inquiring minds want to know! was he just a "funny guy" or did he meet other qualifications as well?? i'm cheerin' for ya! --your sista' in Milwaukee ;)
5:00 PM
You need a way to dish about your dates in an anonymous way.
Here's a story you can share with potential suitors.
Married guys live longer.
10:36 AM
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