Are we dating?

That's a question I haven't been asked in months. All this "dating" that I have been doing and none of it has gotten to the point of asking, "are we dating?"
Well...I'm there. The red head asked the question.
Christ. All this work to get a boyfriend (potential husband) and I've never once actually thought about the fact of what to do if one of these set-ups were to actually work. per usual, I found a witty way of getting out of answering that question to buy myself some more time before becoming insta-girlfriend!
Then, it got me thinking...
What exactly does it mean to be "dating?" Found a ton of really entertaining definitions when I googled it. This ivillage one cracked me up...I feel like if a guy were to tell me that he wanted a "night of hugs," that I'd throw up on him first, then dump him exactly for the reason he's afraid of...for being unmanly! Anyway, click on the link, it's kind of funny. I need to go think about what "dating" means to me. Any thoughts?