It's the eve of the biggest makeout night of the year... wish me luck! Just in case you didn't know, the top nights that guarantee a makeout include:
5. First day that the temperature goes above 60 degrees in Chicago -- usually in early April -- everyone is in an unbeliveable good mood -- "boys are in full bloom" and you start to notice them, wink at 'em and next thing you know...
4. St. Patrick's Day -- you don't even have to be wearing the "Kiss me I'm Irish" button on this day for everyone looks better after a few too many Guinness
3. Thanksgiving Eve -- everyone is "home for the holidays" and going out in their hometowns -- good chance at making out with the captain of your high school football team
2. New Year's Eve -- sort of a "duh" -- it's a mad dash of everyone looking for someone to smooch with at midnight!
And, the number one night is...
1. HALLOWEEN -- something about kissing and costumes mixes real well! It may have something to do with the witch's brew or maybe how cute you look bobbing for apples, but you always guaranteed to seal the night with a kiss!
Since Halloween is on a Tuesday this year, that makes both weekend nights fair game for costumed makeouts!