I don't mean to brag...

...but I have another date!
But, let's talk about Officer Friendly first. Yesterday, was my date with the Chicago cop. Very "normal" -- if there is such a thing. Blind dates are tough and he was one of the better ones for sure. He was fun, talkative, cute and I didn't have to "deal" with any of those weird situations in which I am fully prepared for (how to save a date from choking, bad kisser, too drunk, etc). Wow, all that reading really has me paranoid that something completely bizaare-o is going to happen on my dates. I feel like I could have listened to arrest stories all day, but thankfully, he didn't only talk about work. Now, cross your fingers and hope that he thought I was interesting and cute.
My next date...is more than a week away, but I'm getting ready. It's on a Thursday night, which I'm a big fan of because as many of you already know since, I'M BRINGING THURSDAYS BACK (yes, JT was my inspriation). If you don't know who "JT" is you probably want to stay in on Thursdays anyway.
Must Have #10: This isn't a must-have, but more of a consideration. I love red heads! So, as you flip through your rolodexes, check out boys at the gym or on the bus and you see a red head, pay special attention. Check if he's married and then ask if he'd like to meet me! My favorite red head, Matt Murton, plays left field for the Cubs -- if you can get me a date with him, you automatically win the contest!
You need to come to one of my soccer games, where there is an abundance of twenty/thirty somethings. Now probably 1/2 are spoken for, but you have a pool of guaranteed or almost guaranteed in shop boys, you automatically get to see them in a true athletic state, possibly with short-shorts, form-fitting jerseys and sweat pouring from them. Many of them have accents from many 2nd world European countries. I am convinced that is the only reason whey there is such a thing as coed soccer, so some of these girls can infiltrate the inner male sanctity, and get behind the curtain to see the guy that pulling all the levers and pushing all the buttons, the great innumerable OZ. You've met my friends, they are all damaged goods, this is my only hope for you, that said, there is a large soccer party this Friday.
10:02 AM
Additionally, I have just found a possible date location for your soccer player David Beckham wannabee boy, which we will get on Friday night. My friend has written and stars in a fabulous new musical called Bandgeeks the Musical at Theatre Building Chicago
There is my shameless attempt at helping my friend out, but if your date doesn't work out, you have the added possibility of meeting a wide array of EX-bonehead jocks, rich preppies, fluff-chicks, total geeks, dramafags, burnouts, freak goths and mathletes. And best of all, finally I think i witnessed a "walk of shame" by a mutual friend of ours this morning, I can't believe it... am still laughing... it's still good to know that one can be beyond 30, and spontaneously witness your friend walking out of your apt. complex with frazzled hair, wrinkled pants and a blank look on her face
8:44 AM
You have now been officially released to Eric & Kathy! Good Luck!
10:19 PM
You keep emailing our busy friend and I'll keep giving out your number.
10:57 PM
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