Was I the only one that didn't know he was gay?

I was cleaning out some old files on my computer and came across some old bf pictures. This one startled me. I dated a gay man. His identity has been masked, but many of you knew him. Dear God, what was I thinking?
Then it got me thinking...
When I look back a few years (all the way back to 2004), I remember dating him and how the whole time I knew something was wrong. Now, I know. He doesn't actually like girls. We had so much in common from our love for One Tree Hill to shopping to owning lots of pairs of shoes. It's all so clear now.
I think I'm at that phase now, where I'm comparing the new boy (the red head) to other bfs. Everybody does it so don't judge me, it's normal. And, I can tell you that he's not gay. He hates shopping, loves camping, doesn't even know what One Tree Hill is and in my opinion, does not own enough pairs of shoes.