After more than 50 bridal showers, 30 bachelorette parties, 80 weddings and 15 baby showers, it's not about you, my friends, any more. It's all about me. Check my blog for clues on whom I'd like to live happily ever after with. Each day, you need to think -- "Hmmm...would he be right for Lisa?" Then, when the right guy comes to mind, set me up! But, let's keep the contest between us girls (and select boys that are allowed to view my desperation).

Friday, March 09, 2007

Like finding a needle in a haystack

I went out with a "good one" last night. Cute, funny, charming, smart, etc. Katie, Meredith and Kim are approved for setting me up any time. Prizes will be awarded. Speaking of prizes, now that I've been on a few dates that have been what I'd consider to be successful, we should all start discussing what the ultimate prize will be for the lucky setter upper -- any ideas?

Katie, Kim & Meredith will definitely get a "best match so far" prize! And, if he calls, I'll be so excited that they may get two prizes.

I have to go now because I have another date in two hours!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't help locate the needle! My setup was a total bust, but don't count me out! The next one I offer won't act like a complete jerk/loser!

9:35 PM

Blogger Adler's Mom said...

I think I am winning this contest so far! You've gone on the most date with my set up to-date so where's my mention?!! Sorry Katie, Kim and Meredith!

11:19 PM

Blogger The Bachelorette said...

Katie, I trust your judgment, think he was having an "off" night! Let's just clone Chipper! And, make sure that the next guy thinks toy boat is funny!

11:39 AM

Blogger 00 said...

It's almost spring - a mani & pedi would be a great prize fora great set-up! I'm still looking - the interior design field doesn't ave many red head hetros & the architects work too much!

8:12 PM

Blogger The Bachelorette said...

Great idea, Leigh Ann! And, keep looking at those boys and maybe a busy architect wouldn't be so bad :)

8:37 PM


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