After more than 50 bridal showers, 30 bachelorette parties, 80 weddings and 15 baby showers, it's not about you, my friends, any more. It's all about me. Check my blog for clues on whom I'd like to live happily ever after with. Each day, you need to think -- "Hmmm...would he be right for Lisa?" Then, when the right guy comes to mind, set me up! But, let's keep the contest between us girls (and select boys that are allowed to view my desperation).

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A dating first

I had my first date ever with a guy closer in age to 40 than 30! Whoa! That's huge. Nevin is 37! And, one of my dates next week is with someone even closer to that hill – he's 39!

For those you that have shared all the joys of my dating over the years, this is a big deal. I typically look for the guys that could be on "One Tree Hill" rather than over the hill. Sorry, couldn't help myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some guysout there who are closer to 40 and actually like One Tree Hill!! You are one busy b-kitty!

6:09 PM

Blogger The Bachelorette said...

Well, I want to meet those guys!

6:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like this post. It made realize that I am slightly closer to 40 then 30.


9:02 AM

Blogger The Bachelorette said...

The truth hurts. But, do you watch One Tree Hill?

9:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. I know absolutely nothing about it. I am addicted to many other shows anyway.

Of course the age thing is different for guys. At least that is what they tell me.

12:41 PM


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