Buh-bye 2006, hello 2007!

My year (dates) in review...
Ok, well I didn't exacly have 50 dates, but things were going pretty well for a while. After my first six months of blogging, I went on more than 25 dates and at least 10 of them were set-ups from you, my blog-reading friends! I went out with a cop, a trader, a doctor, a copywriter, an employed dude, a media buyer, an accountant, a lawyer and one that I'll just refer to as a "hottie!"
But 25 dates a wedding did not make! So, I'm back! Took some time off over the holidays and was having some blogging "issues" -- all of which have been resolved. Thanks to all of you that have checked on me to make sure that I wasn't busy planning my wedding and not blogging.
Here's a toast to 2007 -- may all of you find wonderful men for me to date!
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